Where to begin

While most of my interests are somewhat technical in nature I have become more aware of social issues around me. Not that I was never aware of them as I knew they were always there but never said anything. One instance has placed a demand on my attention and for comment. While I need to educate myself a little more to fully comprehend the problem here are some expand on hmy thoughts on the problem with abusive relationships.

I originally started this thread on Facebook but quickly learned sound bite comments are not fully developed and quite often are taken out of the intended context. I initiated the thread with talking about isolation which I am learning typically leads up to physical and mental abuse. Below is my original post. Other posts will follow as I learn other aspects of spousal abuse.

Isolation is a powerful tactic used by controlling partners
Isolation is a pivotal tactic that controlling partners use in order to weaken their victims, prevent them from hearing others’ perspectives, and to bring them into line with their own beliefs and requirements. Often possessiveness and jealousy play a part in the motivation to isolate their partner from social contact with friends and family. Some tactics aimed at isolating the victim include telling them that they care more for her friends, family and pets than for them, telling their partner they are the only one who understands them and loves them, controlling incoming information including what is read, calling them names if their partner spends time with friends and family, and there are a whole lot more tactics that are used to control a person.

I know there are volumes of information ot there by real experts and I believe one more voice cannot hurt.

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