It’s been quite a while

Life gets in the way of all good intentions. I promise this will be a more active blog. I’ve been doing a lot of study and have a lot to share. Been looking at several things that I initially thought would be a slam dunk. Not so fast I quickly learned. Like Genealogy research every little detail has to be examined for it’s accuracy, which at first looks to be annoying but actually turns out to be a learning experience. Like genealogy one often finds themselves emmersed in the details sometimes more detail than necessary.

I am diabetic and will be devoting a lot of attention to diabetes. One of my targets is the sugar industry. Other industries that are in my sights are the predatory loan industry, pawn shops title loans well you get the picture and mega-pastors Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, Rick Warren, Jack Van Impe, John Hagee the list goes on and on.

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